Why you shouldn't buy moneyfulness

11 random reasons why you shouldn't become money full

What's your excuse?


1. The training is too expensive ($ 197,-)

There is a guarantee that you will get online assistance if you don’t earn your money back. So, instead of your focus on the costs, aim your focus on what it will bring you. It will definitely bring you more money than it costs. Besides, there is a light version for $ 47,-


2. Mindfulness is too “woo woo” / “airy-fairy” for me, so Moneyfulness is not for me.

Moneyfulness is a ten-step program. Five steps to get your mindset and behavior straightened out and change it for if it needs to. And another five steps to practically organize your finances. Yes, it’s based on the seven aiding factors from mindfulness, and there are mindfulness exercises in this program, but if you skip them this program will still be very valuable for you. You won’t get the maximum out of it, so I suggest you just try them. Learn more about mindfulness.


3. I can’t think of any inhibiting convictions towards money

There are only a few people (<5%) that don’t have any blocking or inhibiting conviction(s). If you are really convinced that there are no inhibiting convictions, I suggest you start with the light program. Your convictions are that deep into you neuro-pathways that you don’t recognize them anymore. Your conviction(s) are completely on autopilot. 


4. I know how to organize my finances, so I don’t need that part

BANK management is a new and refreshing way of looking into your finances. It’s also a step-by-step method that will help you. You will never know if you will learn to look at your finances from a new perspective. And if you know it all, you just refreshed your memory.


5. I’m well known for mindfulness, so I don’t need that part

Moneyfulness is based on the seven aiding factors from mindfulness. The seven aiding factors have been translated into financial topics. There are a lot of different mindfulness programs, but none of them covers the largest stress factor in the world, money stress. 


6. It’s online, I only do live pieces of training

There are also live pieces of training you can attend. It’s a matter of looking around and following Moneyfulness to find out if there will be one in your country or state. Your personal financial situation will not be discussed during this live training. That’s the work you will have to do by yourself. 



7. I have no money, let alone money to spare.

With the help of Moneyfulness, you can create a better life for yourself, one without financial worries, without spending valuable time worrying about money. It is not about the heights of the amounts, it is about your attitude towards money. Managing your money and dealing with it wisely. Every penny counts, even if you have just one cent a week to spare. Get rid of your inhibiting convictions about money or accept them and learn how to deal with money properly. You may even start liking money.


8. I don’t want to become a millionaire

Moneyfulness has a practical approach. There are exercises concerning your convictions about money and you’ll obtain self-insight about your behavioral pattern. Very recognizable and applicable. Organizing and planning your financial affairs can only be done using a practical method. Bank management is the way to organize your financial affairs. The seven aiding factors of mindfulness are used to shape the money method. There is nothing vague about money.



9. I don’t know Moneyfulness, therefore I don’t trust Moneyfulness

You are right that the combination of mindfulness and money doesn’t exist that long. But on the other hand, money exists for centuries and mindfulness for a couple of decades. Mindfulness is evidence-based, so no worries there. Moneyfulness is a combination of two long-existing and trustworthy concepts.


10. I actually have a lot of money, so I don’t need Moneyfulness

There are so many wealthy people worrying about money, you won’t believe it. If you have it you might lose it. If you are at the age, you may worry about the things your kids will do with your money. Some people are even forcing someone to do things, otherwise, they cut them off the inheritance. You are having doubts and worries about your investments, did I do the right thing? And so on.



11. I don’t have money right now, but I will inherit it someday

Are you sure that you will inherit it? Or are you just pleasing the other and hoping you will appear in their will. How long will it take before you will inherit the money? Are you accepting your “broke situation” until you inherit the money? What will you do with the inherited money? Spend it all in one place and blow it away, or do you want to invest it. If you choose the second option, investing, are you already preparing yourself by investing small amounts? What will a million-dollar inheritance do with your mind and your behavior? Just some things to consider.  

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