We all judge; that’s a fact. It makes life more organized and it allows you to make choices more easily. You are not always aware of your judgments. In some cases, prejudice isn’t a bad thing. Be aware of your judgements and which ones you want to change. In moneyfulness, it is about judgements about money and your prejudice about others who you think have or have no money and how they manage it. You’ll be surprised about the pile of debt hiding behind the front door of some people. On the other hand, if you take a look at some rich people and how they are dressed, you often won’t guess they’re millionaires. It’s an old saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
Not judging is the only aiding factor from mindfulness that has been taken over one on one. In these times of social media, everybody is having an opinion about everything. Many people expose their entire life on social media jest to collect likes, harts, stars, claps and so on. Based on your online activities, your family and friends may admire you for the things you do and post. They only see the highlights. Often they think that you have a fantastic life and must have a lot of money to cover all the costs. But those are only the highlights, meaning 2% of your life. If you’re miserable and in debt for the other 98% of your life, what do you prefer?
You don’t have to be ashamed, because everyone judges. Being able to make a snap judgment can even be a good thing. Imagine a big brown bear emerging in front of you. In this case, the snap judgement that this brown bear is very dangerous, can be quite healthy. In fact, it’s probably wise to take action quickly and escape from this bear. Forming an opinion doesn’t mean that you have to share it with everyone or that you have to take action. If your judgement invokes emotions such as anger, fear, embarrassment or loathing, you might want to take a step back in your mind. Response driven by these emotions are rarely positive. Sharing the judgement without thinking or proceeding to take action can harm others. Judging is natural human behavior, it comes with the package. Subconscious judging is called the “gut feeling.” You subconsciously form a prejudice. The judgement you pass gives you a certain positive or negative feeling. It’s safe to say that everyone judges. How you deal with it is an entirely different story.
The most important thing about judging is the way you act upon it. If you see or hear something you don’t like or you completely disagree on, what do you do? Do you respond immediately? Usually if you respond on the spot, it’s not in a nice and balanced way. For next time, try and hold your breath for five seconds, breath out and think. Do you have all the information necessary to release your opinion? Do you know and understand why the other person said or did it? Do you need extra information? Form your opinion when you know all the details needed. Then you can properly respond to the thing you didn’t like. It’s not an easy thing to do, but please try it. It will make the world a better place.
Let’s end money stress together.