Athletes and money
Everybody has a comfort zone, including a financial comfort zone. As soon as you're succesful, your journey to stardom, you will get bigger and bigger contracts, earning more and more money. Sixteen or seventeen year old kids earning a six figure income are considered "common sports contracts". When you keep on being succesful, you will enter your twenties earing a seven figure income or even more when you reach stardom.
How do you handle these amounts of money? As an athlete you only have ten to fifteen years to earn an income that has to last a lifetime. If your financial comfort zone isn't stretched in accordance with your income, you may loose it all.
It usually hits you the moment you realize your professional career is over. Hardly any money comes in, and it appears very hard to adjust your spending patterns. Soon, all the money you worked so hard for, will be gone.
Book a free fifteen minute consultation to find out how I'll stretch your financial comfort zone so you money will last a lifetime
A much bigger number of less famous athletes from whom you will never hear their stories