
What is Moneyfulness ?

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Mindfulness is well-known international concept. Mindfulness involves a diverse number of topics, however, there is little focus on the stress caused by money. Money is the number one stress inducer in the United States and is in the top three all around the world. These two concepts, mindfulness and money are combined in Moneyfulness. The book can be split into two parts. In the first parts, the seven aiding factors from mindfulness are used to counter the money stress in the money method. The second part is the bank management, a practical way to gain insight into, and organize your finances.

The e-book Moneyfulness is part of a business concept. There is an online Moneyfulness course, a live training, trainers are trained and are given a license to give training on site. 10% of all earnings are donated to the Moneyfulness Foundation that fights against poverty across the globe. 

Some hihlights

10% of all revenues go to the foundation that fights poverty.

Overcome your inhibiting mindset and behaviour regarding money

Your bank account is the miror of your money habits

Organize your finances the right way

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